Saturday, July 2, 2011

Palin, Bachmann, and The Cult of Stupidity in US Politics

A most disturbing trend in America today is the growing celebration of stupidity by our political leaders. Its predictability as a phenomenon that mirrors American society at large does not make it any less devastating or dangerous.

This is best exemplified by two former beauty queens, Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin who are both comically uninformed and fiercely proud of it. They revel in their lack of suitable education or original ideas, and get away with it thanks to above average looks, compelling stories of motherhood, and by frequently ducking under a Constitution-bound bible for cover. Their platforms are little more than tenuously interwoven platitudes on patriotism, the glorification of gun violence, cannibalizing government, and Christianity. Their views on each are narrowly defined to the point where exclusion and conflict are inevitable, only adding to their appeal for those who feel included, the ones who wish that their little club could be their whole country.

Neither is qualified to be a 21st century public school teacher, let alone presidential material even in the barren 2012 Republican wasteland. That their names are bandied about should frighten US citizens half to death. When Palin and Bachmann misquote history and have it pointed out to them, they immediately bat their eyelashes seductively and cry victimhood as followers pile on like sheep to defend their honor. For Palin and Bachmann live in an alternate reality where logic is irrelevant and facts are incidental at best on the journey to grow their personal brand.

This would be all fine and good if not for the sad commentary about the state of our nation. What does it say about us? These quaint publicity-mongering middle-aged ladies would be at worst, harmless and inconsequential strands of the American fabric if not for the millions of Americans who would passionately support them for higher office. The loud and annoying aunt down the street isn't usually a threat outside her home. But somehow we are as close as we've ever been to living in a universe where Palin, Bachmann, and others of their type are in charge. The problem of course is not that women are capable of achieving high office; far from it, that is a national strength. It is that some leverage their status as women to unjustly claim victimhood when challenged. They mislead their supporters, showing how little respect they have for the IQ of their own flocks.

Somehow in America it became cooler to be mediocre than intelligent, attractive than talented. This rings true from the Hollywood Hills to middle school classrooms straight into the halls of Washington power. It applies to both men and women and spares no political party. It should not be surprising that many politicians we elect to represent us are winners of popularity contests rather than readers of books. But if we lower the bar further by opening the White House doors to unashamed "C" students at the cost of "A" students, disaster will occur and we will deserve it completely.

The presidency is among the most complex, difficult, dangerous, stressful, and thankless jobs in the world. It is not appropriate for insecure, thin-skinned egomaniacs who "refudiate" instead of admitting mistakes or evolving philosophically. It puts one in charge of the most fearsome army and weapons ever known in the history of mankind. Palin and Bachmann view these as toys to play with in an earnest personal crusade to advance America and Jesus Christ without knowing much about who and what lie beyond the water's edge. This more than any other reason should give us pause. Knowledge, experience, and intelligence are in short supply in D.C. and needed more now than ever before. Palin and Bachmann have exhibited little interest in learning more about what they don't know or can't glean through prayer.

Their ostensible love for America, family, and God are admirable and closely aligned with my own deep personal sentiments. However, these traits simply do not qualify one to run for national office when coupled with an overarching lack of intellectual curiosity. We must ask our leaders to pass a higher test, especially in these historically stormy waters. There are forces at play that will almost certainly accelerate America's decline relative to other rising nations in the near future. Through outstanding leadership and courageous course corrections these forces can be halted or even reversed. However, it will take an "A" student to make this happen.

From all political stripes, some may protest conflating Palin and Bachmann. Yet these two are in fact engaged in the beginnings of a tea-soaked Beltway Barbie death match, vying for the same votes from the same base assuming both end up declaring for the presidency. Ramifications could endure well beyond 2012 as the real battle is for leadership of a medium-term fringe movement, win or lose in real-world government elections.

Others may claim neither has a chance to win the nomination or the general election, but this could be an underestimation of Americans' ability to make bad choices. Finally, stupidity and vituperation in politics are admittedly nothing new as we all know, and certainly pre-date poor Palin and Bachmann. Yet nobody has approached the unique, ignitable combination of clout and clueless-ness to date that these two have achieved in short spurts of spotlight.

July 4th weekend is not a bad time for national self-examination and introspection. After all our country's government is a reflection of us. That Americans watch reality television and pay attention to the lives of uneducated, mediocre and classless people such as Lindsey Lohan, Kim Kardashian or Paris Hilton is bad enough. But if America were hypnotized long enough to elect one of them to the presidency, that would be far worse. By now it should be apparent that this is exactly the path we are on.